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Consumer NZ says Kiwi households with a heat pump could save over $300 a year with this trick
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In Aotearoa

Consumer NZ says Kiwi households with a heat pump could save over $300 a year with this trick

Are you making one very expensive mistake?
16 July 2024 11:58AM

In the midst of a cold winter, it's tempting to turn the heat pump on high to make a room cosy - However, Consumer NZ warns that this could be a costly mistake.

According to a spokesperson, there's actually one ideal temperature you want to keep your machine set at for ultimate efficiency, and it's probably a lot lower than what you might think.

“Heat pumps use increasingly higher amounts of energy for each degree increase above the optimal setting,” says Consumer NZ.

They add: “A heat pump set at 27 degrees will consume at least 50% more electricity than if it was set at 21 degrees.”

You can potentially save up to $320 a year by keeping your heat pump at 21 degrees instead of pushing it to 30 degrees.

The optimal range for maximum efficiency is between 19 and 21 degrees.

For those looking to warm up their home quickly, Consumer NZ shares a useful tip: “If you get home and the house is cold and you want it to heat up quickly, turn the fan setting up rather than the temperature.”

So, do your heating habits need an overhaul? Your next energy bill might notice the difference.